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3:20, 4:15). The evolved men were also under the Law-in-spirit-and-flesh via their
basic spirits but were not aware of all its details (the Law-in-spirit-and-flesh-in-
detail) in their conscious minds (Rom 5:12-13, 7:1, 14, 21, Jam 4:17). Their flesh
was always under the Law-in-spirit-and-flesh as they were part of the diseased
Creation following after Lucifer’s Fall (1 Cor 15:46-47) or more exactly were part
of the First Creation which has the necessary parameters of the Prime Principle in-
built within it (Rom 8:22). These parameters were set somewhat differently for the
individual and parabolical Adam but the result was the same anyway. The process
of the Law-in-spirit (parabolical Adam) and the Law-in-spirit-and-flesh (evolved
men) leading to the Law-in-spirit-and-flesh-in-detail, is referred to as the ‘law
entered, that the offence might abound’ (Rom 5:20).
The Law, as secondary will, represents the purposes of God (Gal 3:21) as do all
things but to be under it is a curse representative of this world and its principles
(Gal 4:3-4). It is Man’s attempt to be righteous by his own, sinful, nature (Gen
2:17, 3:22, Mat 19:8, Mark 10:5, Rom 8:20, 10:3, 1 Tim 1:9) and it's curse is
doomed (Rev 22:3). Divorce is a good example of this curse as it shows the
contradictory nature of the Law. Divorce, which is a sin for Man under the Law
(Gen 2:24, Mat 19:8-9, Mark 10:6-9), also however became a permissible
secondary will as part of the secondary will of the Law for Man under the Law
(Gen 2:17, Mat 19:8, Mark 10:5). The writing of the Law upon the hearts (Heb
8:10, 10:16) refers to the perfect spirits of Christians, the new spiritually-
circumcised, Israelites and Jews (Rom 2:29, 4:12, 15:8, Phil 3:3), the descendants
of Abraham by the seed of faith (Rom 4:11, Heb 11:12) having the fulfilled Law in
them by Christ within (Col 1:27).
The degree of conscious exposure to the details of the Law varies (Rom 2:12) but
any exposure demands complete obedience (Rom 2:11-15, Jam 2:10) and man in
his spirit knows the Law (Rom 1:20, 2:15). The Law started at the beginning of
Creation (Ezek 28:15, Rom 4:15, 1 Tim 2:14, 2 Pet 2:4) ‘preceding’ the parabolical
Adam and the evolution of Adam, Mankind (Gen 5:1-2), so that it was there for the
evolved men to transgress against it (1 Tim 2:14), and for Adam's (both the
parabolical Adam and the Adam of all mankind) subsequent transgression (Rom
4:15, Gal 3:19). More of its detail was revealed prophetically many years after
Abraham (Gal 3:17, 19) and on through the prophets to the redemption from the
Law by Christ (Gal 5:18). It was ordained by angels on behalf of God (Gal 3:19)
who are themselves under the Law in spirit by default as it applies to spirits unless
saved (Rom 4:15, 2 Pet 2:4).