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The whole Word is Christ and applies to Christians and everybody else but the
Law has already been fulfilled by Christ and is not therefore to be obeyed as such
(Rom 3:20, Gal 5:4), instead Salvation is the way (John 14:6). Christians have
fulfilled the Law by Christ within (Rom 10:4, Gal 2:19). Love, which is God and
Christ (1 John 4:16), is the fulfilment of the Law (Rom 13:10, Gal 5:14). To love
one's neighbour properly one must love God as God is love (1 John 4:8, 16).
Statements that refer to alms, selling possessions (Mat 19:21, Mark 10:21, Luke
12:33, 18:22) and fasting (Mat 6:16, 9:14-15, Mark 2:18-19, Luke 5:35), are Law-
specific and fulfilled by Christians who, living in Christ and belonging to God
actually have no possessions from God’s perspective (Mat 22:20-21, Mark 12:15-
17, 2 Cor 3:18, Col 1:27, 3:3, 10) and are with the Bridegroom anyway (Col 1:27).
The necessary condition of being a Christian is faith in Christ and as such
Christians have left all their possessions for Christ whether they are aware of this
and act accordingly or not (Luke 14:33). The Christians of Acts 2:44-45, 4:32
shared their wealth. Their treasure was Christ within (Col 1:27). The Law still
‘works’ as the default until the second Creation starts at the end of the last
repentence (Luke 16:16-17, Acts 24:14). The Law and the prophets are true as a
secondary will of God and as such can be believed to operate as such, which is not
the same as saying that the Law is a set of commandments for Christians as it is
fulfilled by the status of salvation (Acts 24:14, Rom 10:4).
The whole Word is addressed and applies to Christians (John 1:14, Rev 19:13,
22:18-19). The Law, which is Christ’s secondary will commandment, still works
however as a secondary will (Acts 24:14), to be ignored in its individual precepts
as it is fulfilled by the primary will of being a Christian (Eph 2:15). It can be taken
for granted as fulfilled in whole (Rom 3:31, Jam 2:10). As Christians we should be
obedient to the primary will commandments of Christ, otherwise known as the
Tree of Life or the Way, the Truth and Life (John 14:6) and these commandments
are, only, the two great commandments (Mat 22:40, Rom 14:14). By the
fulfilment of Christ within us we already keep the whole Law - singular - perfectly
(Acts 25:8).
Christians have fulfilled in their basic, perfect, spirits the command of Gal 5:14.
The Kingdom of Heaven
This often represents the transformation process of the First Creation becoming the
Second (Mat 13:24-30), the rise of the Church (Mat 13:32) and its influence upon
the World (Mat 13:33). Sometimes the salvation of an individual is emphasised