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All animals are saved (Rev 5:13) and all creatures and spirits do ultimately worship
               God and Christ (Rev 5:13). This (Rev 5:13) is a pre-Second creation vision of
               absolute salvation set in the context of the First Creation as there is still sea (Rev
               5:13). The second Heaven and Earth, without sea (Rev 21:1), precedes the second
               Creation as that only commences when the last sinner is saved out of the Lake of
               Fire (1 Cor 12:3, Rom 8:22, Phil 2:11, Rev 5:13, 21:8) which continues on (Rev
               21:8) and, as a mystery, continues to smoke although now empty (Rev 14:11).

               Christian Rewards

               The judgement of Christians (Rom 14:10, 2 Cor 5:10) is the same for all Christians
               in that they are all saved and receive eternal life in God’s presence (Rev 21:3).
               This includes a crown representing all believers (Phil 4:1, 2 Tim 4:8). Judgement is
               for what has been done with and through the physical body (2 Cor 5:10) but it is
               the basic spirit that is judged, and in Christians, always rewarded and never
               condemned (Prov 16:32, Eccl 7:8, 2 Cor 5:10, 1 John 3:9, Rev 11:18).  We should
               therefore fear God (2 Cor 5:11, 7:11) and not Satan who far from being able to cast
               anyone into Hell is himself placed there by God (Mat 10:28, Luke 12:5) who alone
               has this power (Rom 12:19, 2 Pet 2:4) and is in Hell (as well as in Heaven) to
               ensure that everything that happens there is as God wills (Psalm 139:8).

               The attitude to these rewards in Heaven will not be as it is on Earth in that

               Christians will give the glory to God (Rev 4:10). One achievement in Christ simply
               then entails a greater expectation from Christ, so that the Christian life from the
               point of view of the distribution of rewards is rather like an ever-changing
               handicap race with the handicap of the expectation increasing in the light of
               understanding and the consequent, subsequent and additional enlightenment that is
               its corollary (Mat 25:29, Luke 12:48). Hence the last shall be first and the first last
               (Luke 13:30).  However there is no option for the Christian to settle for what he
               has or his current position and thus avoid the personal race against Christ’s
               expectation for that individual (Mat 25:26, Heb 12:1).  For this reason no Christian
               can be regarded as better or ahead of another (Mat 19:17, Gal 3:28).  The saints in
               Heaven are even indeed equal to angels (Luke 20:36).

               As far as a Christian works bad things to that extent these things are destroyed by
               God, but the believer remains righteous forever (1 Cor 3:15).

               Christians can only do that which ultimately serves the purposes of God and
               produces good results in the long run (2 Cor 13:8, 2 Tim 1:9).  From God’s eternal
               perspective only good things ever endure from what a Christian does (Gal 2:17-
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