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21). This is by grace and Christ within (Gal 2:17-21). Their saved basic spirits
allow no other course in interaction with God (1 Cor 13:8, 2 Cor 13:7-8). Christ
within allows no other course (2 Cor 13:4-5). We are heading for perfection
guaranteed in choice for eternity and our basic spirits are so already (2 Cor 13:9,
11, 1 John 3:9). Satan ultimately serves God’s purpose of righteousness by his
evil, under license and as a secondary will, but he does of course leave evil in his
wake in that he aids damnation, though even this has to be by the choice of those
concerned under the prime principle (Gal 6:7). A Christian can, ultimately, only do
good (Eph 2:10).
The Law
God chose His people from those evolved men living in the area where the
parabolical Garden of Eden ‘interfaces’ with the physical earth (Gen 2:8-14, 5:1-
32, 10:1-32, 11:10-32, 1 Kings 8:53, Ezek 23:2-4, Amos 3:1-2). He chose them
purely on the basis of the differentiated, discrete social group most closely
inhabiting the area in question (Gen 2:8-14, 10:30, Ezek 16:3-6, Hos 11:1) to be a
witness for humankind (1 Kings 8:60).
God's demonstration of Man's inability to be perfect before God in his own
strength was and is incorporated in coming under the Law, the forbidden fruit of
death for Man and angels (Rom 3:10, 20, 8:20-22, Rev 20:15, 21:8). The Law can
not be kept by anyone and is a curse for that reason (Rom 3:20, Gal 3:10, 1 Tim
1:8 ‘if a man use it lawfully’ which is impossible as shown by Romans 3:20). It is
the secondary will of God for Man (and in-the-spirit for angels - Rom 3:10, 23,
Phil 2:10, Rev 20:10, 15) and therefore as His will, ‘good’ as God is good (Rom
7:12, 16, 1 Tim 1:8) but only in so far as it is completely obeyed (1 Tim 1:8, Jam
2:10) which is, sinfully and wilfully, impossible for Man (Rom 3:20).
The law-in-spirit-and-flesh is a limited form of knowledge between Good and Evil
applicable only to those unsaved, and in the flesh of the diseased physical creation,
wishing to be perfect by the operation of their own works and was and is the
forbidden fruit 'eaten' parabolically by Adam (Ezek 33: 13, Rom 3:20, 4:15, 7:7,
8:3, 20 Heb 7:16, Jam 2:10). It precepts and promises remain valid as a measure
but it has and can never be a way to Salvation (Mat 5:17-19, Luke 16:17, Heb
7:19). It is inapplicable for Christians as it is disannulled by the fulfilment of
Christ within the believer, who has a perfect basic spirit and a continually forgiven
flesh (Mat 5:17-19, Luke 16:17, Col 1:27, Heb 7:18, 1 John 2:12, 3:9), whilst it
stills applies generically (Mat 5:17-19, Luke 16:17). Rather by this Christian life is
the Law established (Rom 3:31).