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(Gen 1:29, 2:17, Rom 4:15, 7:7), its specific details were prophetically revealed in
the material (Rom 7:13) for the manifest conviction of Mankind (Rom 3:19). The
parabolical Adam was under the Law-in-spirit (Gen 1:29, 2:17, Rom 4:15, 1 John
3:4 ) but initially, as a mystery, that Law then had only one commandment: NOT
RATHER PARTAKE OF GRACE (Gen 1:29) and Christ (Gen 1:29, 2:16, Rom
4:15, 9:32, 11:32, Rev 22:2). The first sin was partaking of the Law (Rom 4:15, 1
John 3:4). All evolved men chose, as beings in-the-flesh (and with basic spirits), to
come under the Law-in-spirit-and-flesh from the start of their lives i.e. they attempt
to be God (Mat 7:12 (Golden Rule), Romans 1:20, 2:14-15 (Gentiles), 3:10, 20).
This is the integrated message in context of the whole, single Word. The Word is
as a mystery both the unfulfilled Law (the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil)
that brings, by itself alone, death (Gen 2:17, Deut 28:58, 61, 29:21, 30:10, Josh
1:8) and the fulfilled Law or Tree of Life (John 1:1, 14, Rev 22:2-3). The Word is
the Law (Deut 28:58, 61, 29:21, 30:10, Josh 1:8, Rev 22:19). Once the last being
is saved the curse ends (Phil 2:11), that is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and
Evil, the Law, is only finally expressed as the fulfilment of the Law, the Tree of
Life (Rev 22:2-3). The Word is the FULFILLED Law (Mat 5:17-18, John 1:14,
Rom 3:31, 10:3-4), it is also the unfulfilled Law (Deut 30:10) but, in the end, the
emphasis is on the former and that is why the Tree of Knowledge is not referred to
in the Second Creation unlike the Tree of Life because in this eternity of free will
nobody chooses it or comes under its jurisdiction (Rev 22:2-3). The unfulfilled
Law is still there as God but is ended in this sense of applicability and jurisdiction
being fulfilled by the jurisdiction of the fulfilled Law (Mat 5:18, Rom 10:4). The
whole, single, indivisible and integrated Word is addressed to the whole Creation
including Christians (John 1:14, Rom 1:20, 10:18, Col 1:27, Rev 22:18-19). The
Law can only be fulfilled for Man by Christ, it can not be kept by Man (Rom 9:32).
The default for Man was/is that he must first avoid the Law (Gen 2:17). However
the evolved men and the individual Adam chose the Law and all men always
choose it from their inception (Rom 3:19-20, 1 John 3:4) and therefore the default
is that they must keep the whole of it (Jam 2:10, 1 John 3:4). Unless saved (Rom
3:31, 10:4). Man chooses the Law as he wishes to be God (Gen 3:5, 22, Psalm
82:6, John 10:35, Rom 10:3) that is the righteousness of one’s own accord (Gen
3:5, 22, Psalm 48:10, Jer 23:6, Rom 3:9-22, 10:3), which only God has (Rom
3:10). Christians do not have their own righteousness but that of God’s (Isaiah
54:17, Jer 23:6, Rom 3:22, 10:3, Phil 3:9) such that we partake, in a mystery, of the
righteousness and therefore of the name of the Lord without being the Lord (Jer
23:6). God is righteousness and ours as well (Jer 23:6).