P. 31
therefore these Three Persons are, as God (Mat 28:19) who is Himself a single
Person (Ex 3:14, Mat 28:19), together all (correct) and only (incorrect) one and the
same Person - there being no distinction between them. This again is not so. God
is both I (Ex 3:14) and We (Gen 1:26, 3:22, Isaiah 41:22-23, Mat 28:19) whilst
undergoing no change between these states (Mal 3:6), which is also itself
illogical. The ‘Three Persons in One’ defies our logic. To our logic if A (God, the
Father) and B (God, the Son) and C (God, the Holy Ghost) all, individually, equal
D (God) then A is B and C and B is A and C and C is B and A. The Word
however teaches that the Three Persons of the Trinity are, in fact, distinct Persons
in One Person (Ex 3:14, Mat 28:19) who is yet also a community of Three, a We
(Gen 1:26, 3:22, Isaiah 41:22-23, Mat 28:19). The Trinity is true but is a
mathematical, logical, literary and grammatical nonsense to Man as is the
hypostatic union of Christ. Each Person of the Trinity is fully the Person of God
(Mat 28:19).
Non Literal
The Word is not always to be taken literally (Pslam 78:2, Mat 13:11-15, 34, Mark
4:34, John 1:1, 14, Rev 19:13-16). All this whilst being one inerrant Word (Deut
28:58, John 10:35, Gal 3:22, Rev 22:18-19). The scripture is the written Word
(Dan 10:21, John 10:35, Gal 3:22, 2 Tim 3:15-17, 1 Pet 1:25, Rev 22:18-19). The
Word is itself a parable (Psalm 78:1-2, Mat 13:11-15, 34, Mark 4:34, John 1:1, 14,
Rev 19:13-16). This is further established by passages that read like parables but
which are not introduced or announced as such (2 Kings 14:9). It is not literally,
i.e. physically, true that a thistle spoke to a cedar (2 Chron 25:18, Psalm 78:1-2,
Mat 13:11-15, 34, Mark 4:34, John 1:1, 14, Rev 19:13-16) or that the Assyrian was
a cedar (Ezek 31:3) but an ass truly did speak to Balaam (Num 22:28-30), this is
why the Word needs to be spiritually interpreted (1 Cor 2:11-16) and human rules
of grammar, expression, figure of speech or idiom are of no help (1 Cor 2:11-16,
Rev 22:18-19).
God issues a sarcastic command which is not to be taken literally when he
commands the astrologers to save the people (Isaiah 47:13) and yet he uses exactly
the same command ‘let’ here as when he commands physical light be created (Gen
So when the Word says:
...The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies.
Titus 1:12