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addressibility of the Law and the ongoing validity of the Law as a secondary will
(Mat 5:18, Acts 24:14), it is no surprise to see parts of it repeated or new parts
added to it in the Gospels (Mat 5:18), Acts (15:20, 29), Epistles (1 Cor 5:9-13) and
Revelation (Rev 2:15) even though it has no jurisdiction over the Christian (Rom
10:4). The ongoing validity of the Law as a secondary will does not constitute
applicability to the Christian (Acts 15:24, Rom 10:4). To be a Christian and
thereby under the light (Mat 11:29-30) obligation of the cross to obey the two great
commandments (Mat 16:24, 22:40, Mark 8:34, Luke 9:23, Col 2:14), though not as
pertaining to righteousness as rightoeusness is a given fact for the Christian by
operation of grace (Rom 8:4, 10:4, Col 2:14), and fulfills the Law (Rom 8:4, 10:4)
and the second great commandment requires the first to be obeyed first as God is
Love (Mat 22:37-40, 1 John 4:8) which is why the second, in the context of the
Christian life only (Rom 8:4, 10;4), fulfills the Law (Gal 5:14). A Christian's
obedience to the two great commandments is perfect in his basic spirit (1 John 3:9)
but is utterly imperfect in his flesh (Rom 7:18, 1 John 1:8).
The point of applicability is not determined by to whom it is addressed as the
whole Word is addressed to every Man (Deut 30:10, Mat 4:4, 5:17-18, Luke 4:4,
John 1:14, Rom 1:20, Heb 4:2, 1 Pet 4:6, Rev 22:18-19) but is instead determined
by whether the statement applies to those under the Law and the prophets or not
(Rom 10:4, Gal 5:18, Eph 5:6-8). The Word often needs to be taught (Acts 8:31,
17:3). The Word, and its Spirit-given interpretation (Isaiah 28:9-10), is the proof of
any doctrine (Isaiah 28:9-10, 2 Pet 1:20-21) and nothing else (Rev 22:18-19),
certainly not the thought processes of any one man and therefore group of men,
comprised obviously from the thoughts of individuals but only the Spirit (1 Cor
2:14-16, 2 Pet 1:20-21).
In Acts 16:17 the devil spirit says a true statement (Acts 7:48) indicating a wish to
repent and be saved (Acts 16:16, 18).
Apparent ‘contradictions’ are to be considered as two parts of a single mysterious
truth and antinomy. For example the Word says that a Christian can not sin (1 Cor
2:6, 1 John 3:9, 5:18) and yet it teaches that Christians are sinners and sin against
the commandments of Christ (Phil 2:21, 1 John 1:8, 10, 2:12). The answer to this
apparent contradiction is that a Christian’s spirit is perfect (Heb 4:10, 1 John 1:9,
2:12, 3:9) but the flesh of a Christian continues to sin (Romans 7:25). Also, a
Christian is forgiven and righteous even as he sins (Romans 3:22, 8:1, 27, 1 John