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3:31, 1 John 3:9). The flesh of Christians is forgiven (Rom 8:1, 27). The two great
commandments but not the Golden Rule, apply to Christians, and are
commandments for Christians (Rom 13:9, 1 Cor 8:3, Gal 5:14, Jam 2:8, Rev 2:4),
though not as the Law or under the Law, but are fulfilled, by being a Christian
(Rom 13:9-10, Gal 5:14). They apply by fulfilment via the basic spirit of the
Christian, indeed all the commandments of the Word are fulfilled by the perfect
basic spirit of Christians, though not as the Law or under the Law even though they
are the Law! This is a mystery. Loving neighbours with a perfect love would entail
a perfect love of God and self as well (Gal 5:14).
The ‘new’ commandment of John 13:34 is part of the Law and is a commandment
for mankind under the Law to love another (Gen 2:17, Mat 5:18, John 8:58, Rom
7:1, Gal 3:17).
All the details of the Law apply once under it (Gen 2:17, Deut 30:10, Rom 2:12-
16, 7:1, Gal 3:17-19, Jam 2:10) whether prophetically revealed and written in the
material and available as such to an individual or not (Rom 7:1, Jam 2:10). This
includes foetuses, children, non-Jews etc., (Gen 2:17, 3:22, Rom 1:20, 3:19-20, 23,
4:15, 7:1, Jam 2:10).
There is no grey with God (1 John 1:5) and if something is ‘less than God’s best’
or not ‘God’s ideal’ i.e. not God’s primary will; then sin is involved. Every
thought, word or deed of a man is either sin or pleasing to God, there is no middle
ground (Mat 7:16-19, 12:30, Luke 6:43-45, John 14:23-24, 15:14, 1 John 1:5).
This burden is wilfully chosen as part of the arrogance of choosing submission to
the Law and is an inseparable component of the Law (Rom 14:14). This state,
unique to the Law, is a physical manifestation of the sinful flesh and results from
being under the Law-in-spirit-and-flesh. This is seen for the parabolical Adam and
Eve when they knew that they were naked (Gen 3:11, Ex 20:26, Lev 15:31). As
for the First Creation and the evolved men this state has been a manifestation of the
imperfect Creation brought about by the first sin of Lucifer thus causing the
evolution of unclean species (Ezek 28:15, Rom 8:22, Rev 18:2). The species
themselves are not more sinful than any other but for men to partake of them was
sinful if outside the specified towns (Deut 12:15, 14:3, Eccl 3:19-21, Rev 18:2).
Originally the parabolical Adam was not under the Law-in-spirit-and-flesh, let
alone the Law-in-spirit-and-flesh-in-detail and so could eat any animal (Gen 1:29-
30). Uncleaness is a state of sin (Lev 15:30-32, Num 6:11) often caused by