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different but they do not establish better resurrections within those saved (Rom
4:4-5, 2 John 8). The reason and justification for these sufferings is that, as a
mystery, these people needed to suffer to be or remain saved in this life and be able
to ever more remain so in the Second Creation of continued free will. This is why
all Christians do not immediately die in order for God to safeguard their eternal
status (Rom 6:7, 8:28). The better resurrection is to be resurrected as saved not
condemned (Rev 20:5, 6, no degrees of holiness, 12).
Another example of this is the suffering life of Paul (2 Cor 12:9 ‘grace’).
God Is Responsible
God is perfectly open about the fact that He, via His Secondary Will (Job 34:10-
12), brings evil about (Job 42:11, Isaiah 45:7). God far from shirking his
responsibility for everything that happens proclaims it (Gen 6:7, Deut 28:15, 59,
32:39, 2 Chron 18:18-22, Job 1:12, 2:6, 34:13, Psalm 119:91, 135:6, 8, Prov 16:4,
Isaiah 45:7, 65:17, Lam 1:5). God is creating a second spiritual Heaven and a
second physical heaven (Isaiah 65:17 ‘heavens’) and this will be perfect for
eternity yet with free will and without any remembrance for the temporary
processes that produce it out of the first creation (Isaiah 65:17). This is why God is
not evil (Job 34:10, 12, Ezek 14:23) as it is all for the Prime Principle (Job 34:11,
Rom 8:28). Only the eternal is really real after all (Mat 8:22).
God’s way is just because He is the Saviour through Jesus Christ for those wishing
to be saved (Isaiah 43:11, 45:21). God claims responsibility for the thoughts,
words and deeds of Man (Ex 4:21, Exodus 11:10, Josh 11:20, 1 Sam 2:25, 2 Sam
24:1, 1 Kings 11:14, 23, 12:15) and for the actions of the devil (Exodus 12:23, 29,
32:10, 14, 35, Lev 26:22-26, 28, 30-32, Isaiah 45:7, Jer 13:14) and for evil (Judges
2:15, 2 Chron 18:18-22, Isaiah 45:7, Ezek 5:13). God is responsible for and the
Creator of everything (John 1:3) including evil (Isaiah 45:7) as He has to be in
order to enact the Prime Principle of Salvation by necessary suffering (Acts 14:22,
Rom 8:28).
God’s secondary will is as much His will as his primary will, he rejoices in both
and claims responsibility even when the evil, trouble or destruction is delegated to
the devil or devil spirits (Deut 28:63, Deut 32:27 the ‘I’ is Moses under
transference, 1 Sam 16:14 ('from the land'), 23, 18:10, 1 Kings 22:20-22, Psalm
78:49). Sometimes angels are delegated to perform a destructive task (Acts
12:23). Sometimes God acts directly (Isaiah 45:7, Acts 13:11). The rebellious and