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Law (Mat 7:1, Rom 2:1, Rev 13:10). Christians will judge the world during the
1,000 year reign (1 Cor 6:2, Rev 20:6). Christians will judge angels too (1 Cor
6:3). When the Word says: "for if we should judge ourselves, we should not be
judged." (1 Cor 11:31), it is referring to the good practise under the law of self-
judgement. In this the Law is self-contradictory in a mysterious antinomy which is
not unusual and indeed a relfection of God's Nature as God to Himself (John
20:17). The point is that if someone under the Law, not yet a Christian, partakes to
the extent that he can of the covenant of the New Testament of Christ's blood (1
Cor 11:25), then he represents within himself his unrighteousness, as needing the
redeeming blood of Christ, but is unable to partake of it properly as this full
participation is given by the act of first being a Christian and then partaking (Rom
10:4, 1 Cor 11:27, 29, 1 John 1:7, 3:9, 5:8).
To forgive is a commandment of Christ, for those under the Law, with reference to
those sins committed against them (Mat 6:12) and also for sins committed against
others (Mat 9:5, Luke 10:33, John 20:23). All sins are sins against God (Gen 3:22,
Psalm 51:4-5).
All non-Christians are not forgiven their state of sin, the sin of unbelief in Christ
(Rom 1:18, 11:32), but can be forgiven particular sins by either Christ or a
Christian with the authority of Christ that is vested in all Christians through the
Holy Ghost (Mat 18:18, John 20:21-23).
Christians have the power to forgive the sins of non-Christian people (John 20:21-
23) indeed how otherwise could Christians perform healing (Mat 9:2, 5, Mark 2:9,
Luke 5:23)? This is true as a default (John 20:23) but subject to the prime principle
(Dan 9:9, Luke 13:2-5, John 9:3). The Holy Ghost is the final arbiter in the
distribution of God’s forgiveness (Luke 13:2-5, 1 Cor 12:7, 11). However the sin
of man can only be forgiven by being a Christian (John 1:12-13) which also
guarantees continual forgiveness of sins to a Christian (1 John 2:12) by the
continual intercession and confession of the Holy Ghost within a Christian (Rom
8:26, 1 John 1:9). This occurs irrespective of whether the Christian is consciously
aware of his sins and consciously confessing them (Rom 8:26), although it can be
good to be able and willing to do so (James 5:16, 1 John 1:9).
A Christian can not forgive the unforgivable sin (Mat 12:31-32, Mark 3:29, 13:14,
Luke 12:10) which is either the loss of Salvation (2 Thes 2:4, Heb 6:4) or the sin of
not being a Christian in the first place (Mark 16:16).