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time transference). In Zechariah 3:6-8 we have a contemporaneous briefing from
an angel to Zechariah in his lifetime - the same angel dealing with Joshua in
Heaven after his death (Zech 3:1). Zechariah 3:9-10 is a prophecy about Christ
issued to Joshua, by the angel, when Joshua was alive.
The Holy Ghost rebukes the world as all those who are not Christians are lost in
their sins (John 16:9), whilst Christians are 100% righteous through the post-
Ascension reality of Christ within (John 16:10) and because Satan as the prince of
this world is already judged (John 16:11).
It has always been the case that of those that are saved, some lose their faith (Acts
19:10, 2 Tim 1:15).
There is a first (Rev 20:4-5) and a second resurrection (Rev 20:12).
If someone believes the gospel he becomes a Christian (Rom 10:9-10) and upon
death is perfect (Rom 8:23) in the pre-resurrection spiritual body and goes to
Heaven (1 Cor 5:5). Such a believer will partake in the first resurrection (1 Cor 15:
50-54). At this stage the body is similar to that of the risen Christ (Rom 6:4, Phil
3:21). Someone becoming a Christian after that event will partake in the second
resurrection (Rev 20:12, 15). A believer alive in the flesh (not having died) at a
time of resurrection is changed by a resurrection into the same bodily form as those
resurrected for eternal life (1 Cor 15:51). There is a distinction between being
raised from the dead by a miracle, still in sinful flesh, and a resurrection to a
perfect body. Natural death is sometimes called sleep (Mat 9:24, 27:52-3, Mark
5:39, Luke 8:52, John 11:11) to emphasise its lack of finality compared to the
default finality of eternal, supernatural death (Rev 20:15).
This natural death was the state of those after the death of Jesus when many dead
arose (Mat 27:52). This same death 'sleep' (John 11:11) is also called 'not dead'
(Luke 8:52) or 'not unto death' (John 11:4, 11) when it is death as we understand it
(John 11:14). Incidentally this shows a superficial and apparent contradiction
between statements being resolved in the one Word. The death and raising to life
of Lazarus is an example of the Prime Principle (John 11:4, 15).
Non-Christians saved after death exist in Heaven until the resurrection (Gen 15:15,
Daniel 8.13, Matt 17:3, Rev 6:9-11).
Devil spirits can repent and be saved at any point (Mat 8:29, Col 1:20, 23, Rev
12:4). In Revelation the devil spirit called the Beast is prophesied as being finally
condemned as is Satan and at least one man, the Son of Perdition (2 Thes 2:3-4,