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Tim 3:16). In this case nothing will be added or subtracted to the satisfaction of
God who is the arbiter in this matter (Rev 22:18-19). This is a supernatural
matter. God does not add or subtract to His Word or indeed to Himself (Mal 3:6),
as Revelation 22:18-19 makes clear by placing the emphasis on Man.
Punctuation can effect meaning in different ways to the more limited effects of
capitalisation, for example the position of the comma in Luke 23:42-44 determines
whether Jesus stated that the man on the cross would be in Paradise that particular
day. Given the position of the comma that is what he meant, this addition to
meaning is above that of capitalisation but still within the limits of Revelation
22:18-19 as no words have been added or deleted. The punctuation of the Word
must be inerrant (Rev 22:18), where there is punctuation (Rev 22:19). The Word
can exist without punctuation (Rev 22:19). However, unlike with the words which
must be invariant (Rev 22:18-19), there can be multiple and yet inspired
punctuations (Psalm 2:7, Acts 13:33, 2 Tim 3:16) or even no punctuation (Rev
This is not critical (Rev 22:18-19).
Plural / Singular Equivalence
Crucial to an understanding of Genesis and other passages is the fact that a name,
without introduction, can suddenly switch from referring to a whole people group
to that people group as one person (Deut 33:8-15, Hab 1:10-11). The generic
Adam refers to all mankind (Gen 5:2) as distinct to the individual and parabolical
Adam (Gen 2:7).
People groups can be referred to in the singular with a word such as ‘his’ (Micah
3:8, Hab 1:11) and as having a single soul (Jer 50:19). This means that people
groups are individual persons with souls which is a mystery (Joshua 7:11, 1 Sam
These are crucial to understanding the Word. A good example is Gen 6:3 which
states that man shall not live for over 120 years. However in Exodus 6:16 Levi is
seen to live for 137 years. Aaron lived to be 123 years old (Num 33:39). Job lived
for 140 years (Job 42:16). Kohath lived for 133 years (Exodus 6:18). Amran lived
for 137 years (Exodus 6:20) and Jehoiada 130 years (2 Chron 24:15). This is not a