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3:16 - singular ‘scripture’, Rev 21:5, 22:18-19). This is unique to the Word and
there is therefore no justification for the approximations to the Word represented
by ‘Bible’ ‘versions’ which is in fact a contradiction in terms given that such
‘Bibles’ purport to be the Word of God (Rev 22:18-19). The best example of this
is Acts 8:32-33. In these verses we are given a precise passage from the singular
scripture, that is the Word. It has a defined starting and ending point - ‘The place
of the scripture which he read was this, He was led as a sheep to the slaughter;
...for his life is taken from the earth.’ The ‘quote’ however is inexact (Isaiah 53:7,
Rev 22:18-19) and absolutely not the same word for word. However both,
different, passages are part of the one singular Word (John 1:1).
The eunuch was reading the Isaiah 53:7-8 passage, but the Word considers the
rendition written in Acts as also part of the Word, that is what is written in Acts is
a ‘place of’ the Word, not a portion of Isaiah but of the pre-existent, in-the-
Heavenly Acts 8:32-33 which has always existed independent of its written,
material existence (John 1:1, 14, Rev 22:13). It does not say ‘the place was Isaiah
53:7-8’. It says ‘the place of the scripture’. All the Word (singular) is one
Scripture (singular) composed of scriptures and scripture (John 10:35, 2 Tim 3:15-
16, Rev 22:18-19). Remember the Word has always existed as a complete Word
and can therefore be quoted even before a part of it was written at a point in our
reckoning of time as a physical manuscript in the material on earth. The Word has
always been completely spoken (Rev 1:16) and completely written in Heaven (Rev
22:18-19). The last two verses talk of a ‘book’ so the Word has always existed as
a ‘book’ that is in written form (Rev 22:18-19) just as it is in spoken form (2 Pet
1:21, Rev 1:16).
Quotations by the Word of the Word that are inexact can be understood by the fact
that something was said, and was then being exactly quoted, but was not part of the
written Word-in-the-material as written up to the time in question. However the
words that are quoted are part of the eternal Word-in-the-spiritual and that is now
written in the Word-in-the-material. The Word is timeless (John 1:1, 14, Rev
22:13). An example is Matthew 2:18 which is not an exact repetition of Jeremiah
31:15. However what is now being quoted exactly are spoken words of Jeremiah
but which were not part of the written-in-the-material Word ‘until’, in our time,
Jesus spoke them. This would also apply to Matthew 4:14-15 with Isaiah 9:1-2
and Matthew 12:17-20 with Isaiah 42:1-4 both of which are inexact ‘quotations’.
Isaiah said what Jesus quotes exactly but a different expression of the same
sentiments was what Isaiah wrote and is recorded in Isaiah. The same applies to
Matthew 22:44 and Psalm 110:1 with its various differences (at versus on, until
versus till). Where 'scripture' is referred to and is inexactly quoted, such as with