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It says in Romans 12:18: “ If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably
with all men”. The phrase “if it...all men” can not be taken to justify violence
under extreme provocation or in time of war under the Law but is instead an,
additional not alternative to the Law, commandment to reach a human standard
(Rom 3:10, 20). This is further emphasised by the passage in Romans 12:19-20
which forbids under the Law the practise of vengeance (Rom 12:19). Economic
sanctions or the use of starvation as a means of war is also condemned under the
Law, when instead it says the Christian must love his enemy by actually feeding
him (Rom 12:20).
Under the Law soldiers do of course manifest good as well as sin as is represented
by the greatest and supreme sacrifice (John 15:13). Christians overcome evil by
good (Rom 12:21).
The genocide of 'total war', which is an 'abuse of human rights', 'war crime' and
'crime against humanity' is commanded, (and forbidden (Ex 20:13)), by God, as
His secondary will, for Israel to inflict on its enemies (Deut 20:16, 30:15). The
democratic voters in the West (and now the East) can hardly take issue with the
Law in this respect for such voters by their votes routinely empower and authorise
the threat, and potentially genocidal use, of nuclear weapons in order to safeguard
their freedom and national sovereignity. The primary will of God is that people be
first Christian and then defend or attack in whatever manner is prompted by
obedience to the two great commandments (Mat 22:37-40).
Summary of God & Sin
God is: The Law (Deut 30:10, John 1:1, Rev 19:13, 22:18-19), a secondary will
of God (Gen 2:17), the Unfulfilled Law (2 Cor 5:21, Gal 3:10, 13, 1 Tim 2:5,
Rev 22:13), the Fufilled Law, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (Rom
3:20, the escape from the Law (Rom 10:4), the Tree of Life (Gen 3:22, John
11:25, 14:6, Rev 20:15), the Way of Salvation (John 14:6), the curse of death
(Gen 2:17, 6:3, Deut 30:10, John 1:1, Rev 22:18-19) and the blessing of Life
(John 11:25, 14:6), and a man (1 Tim 2:5), the man Jesus Christ (1 Tim 2:5),
eternally (Rev 22:13) reconciled in the positive antinomy of the indivisible one
(Gal 3:20) God (Mat 28:19) who is not a man (Job 9:32). God is a positive
contradiction or antinomy comprised of many such antinomies (Deut 30:10,
John 1:1, 14, Rom 10:4, Rev 22:13).