P. 259

Genocide and ‘ethnic cleansing’ were commanded under the Law (Deut 20:16,
               Num 25:17, 31:15-18, Josh 10:40, Judges 1:28 - 2:15) as a secondary will of God
               under the Law (2 Chron 25:4) but is also against the Law as the primary will of
               God under the Law (Ex 20:13, Rev 13:10). ‘Total war’ was commanded under the
               Law as a secondary will of God (Jer 48:10). God's primary will under or after the
               secondary will of the Law, once it applies, is that Man allows God to execute
               violence, this was so even under the Law as the primary will of God (1 Chron 22:8,
               28:3, Psalm 11:5). In the Old Testament God commanded genocide as that was the
               only way for a holy people to stay separate (Num 33:55-56) and was a necessary
               command as far as Israel was concerned, this was all part of the secondary will of
               God or the curse of the Law, the forbidden fruit (Num 21:3, 14). The sufferings of
               the afflicted enemies of Israel were mysteriously compatible with the Love of God
               via the Prime Principle.  Incidentally they also partially suffered for their sins, not
               as innocents (Deut 9:5, Rom 3:10). This occurred many times (Josh 10:20-33).

               Under the Law there was/is a ‘time for war’ (Eccl 3:8) and it was a secondary will
               duty (Eccl 8:8).  The fact remains that the Word was signified to Israel in that
               Jesus, as Melchisedec, was sent to Israel to preach peace (Acts 10:36, Heb 7:2).

               Torture is practised by Gideon (Judges 8:16). Once under the curse of the Law,
               which remember was and is forbidden by God, Man has to try to achieve
               righteousness by, amongst other things, force.  This is because only force can
               ‘force’ Man to be good in his own strength i.e. by fear, deterrence and, because
               Man can not resist all temptation, the destruction of all evil or potentially evil
               influences (1 Kings 20:35, Mat 11:11-13). The Law is Man’s choice, not God’s
               (Gen 2:17).  As God is the Law (Deut 30:10, John 1:1, 14, Rev 19:13, 22:18-19) to
               come under it is to try and be God (Gen 3:22, Rom 3:20). God is also the Tree of
               Life or Salvation but to come under this is not to try and become God (Rev 22:2).

               When someone is destroyed by the faith of a prophet or God directly or however,
               the prime principle is still in operation and God is the decision-maker (Rom 12:3, 1
               Cor 12:11) in authorising such acts as: 2 Kings 1:10, 2:24, 5:27, 6:12, Luke 13:2-5,
               Acts 5:9, 13:11.

               It is the Law to pay taxes subject to the principle of obeying God first (Mat 17:25-
               27, 22:19-22, Rom 13:7) as God’s image is upon the whole Creation including
               pennies as He has dominion and is also upon Man by the spirit of man that he gives
               (Gen 1:26, Eccl 12:7, Matt 22:19-21).
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