P. 256
It is the law to kill those who do any work on the Sabbath (Ex 31:15).
As stated above it is the Law to burn with fire sexually promiscuous daughters of
priests (Lev 21:9).
Killing a man under any circumstances is a sin under the Law (Ex 20:13, Lev
24:17, Rev 13:10). And yet:
The Law requires those under it to kill blasphemers (Ex 20:13, Lev 24:16-17).
And also:
The Law requires that women should not have 'broided' hair or wear gold or pearl
jewellery (1 Tim 2:9). It is good that Christians are not under the Law as all
Christians are sinners (1 John 1:8) and for those under the Law any one sin, such as
wearing pearls, incurs sin against every law of the Law (Jam 2:10) so that the
female wearer of pearls is guilty of lesbianism, murder and idolatry (Jam 2:10).
Genocide and ‘ethnic cleansing’ are commanded under the Law wherever God
gives the ground (Num 25:17, 31:15-18, Deut 7:2, 20:16, Josh 10:40,1 Sam 15:3,
19-23). Mercy to such enemies was forbidden in the Law (Deut 7:2). Israel was to
show no pity to its enemies (Deut 7:16) nor to those who transgressed the Law
within Israel (Deut 13:8, 25:12).
Suicide is a commandment for all those under the Law (Gen 6:3, Mat 18:8-9, Mark
9:43-48, Rom 3:20, 7:18, 23, 25, Gal 5:16, 19-21).
The valuation of persons under the Law in the context of vows was fifty shekels
for a man and thirty for a woman (Lev 27:3-4).
Slavery is allowed under the Law (Lev 25:45-46)!
Under the Law, God's secondary will, the then resultant primary will of God, is not
to swear oaths (Mat 5:34, James 5:12) so commissioners for oaths (lawyers) under
the Law sin against this, whilst the opposite (swearing oaths) is a secondary will
under the Law (Deut 6:13).
Under the Law it is right to refuse entry to fellowship meetings on account of the
fact that someone is a bastard, in flagrant opposition to the same Law (Deut 23:2,
Mat 9:12-13, Mark 2:16-17, Luke 5:30-32, Jam 2:2-4, 8).