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27. God is a rewarder of Christians (Heb 11:6).

               28. Anoint with oil for healing (Jam 5:14).

               29. We have all things that are required under the Prime Principle (Rom 8:28, 1
               Cor 12:7, 11, 2 Pet 1:3).

               30. Our faith conquers the world (1 John 4:4, 5:4).

               31.  The Word says that it is God’s will that we ‘prosper and be in good health’
               thus answering the point about God’s will being the best for us and it being, as a
               default, according to as our wish would be (3 John 2), subject to the Prime
               Principle (1 Cor 12:7, 11).

               Note that none of the above applies as Law to the Christian (Rom 10:4).

               The Block to the Appropriation of Answers to Prayer

               God’s primary will for us is our salvation (2 Pet 3:9) and its continuance in the
               flesh (Rom 7:18, 8:23, Heb 6:4, 6) and eventually through an eternity of free will
               (Rev 22:3). Therefore God will only answer prayer in accordance with delivering
               those circumstances most likely to cause or keep our salvation across this eternity
               (Rom 8:28). How this actually works out life per life, event by event is a mystery
               to us (1 Tim 3:16) and not something we can understand, as it involves God’s
               interaction with our own basic spirits much of whose knowledge is unknown to our
               conscious, flesh minds (Rom 1:20, 1 Cor 2:14).  This process of blessing
               (including appropriation) and suffering is the work of God (John 5:17, 6:29) and
               God attempts this process of salvation with everyone (Job 33:29 ‘all’, John 6:45).
               The Father draws in (John 6:44) and the Son saves (John 6:40).  Love demands
               that all temporal experiences be sub-ordinated to this prime principle of eternal life
               (Rom 8:28, 2 Pet 3:9).  This life only has meaning or life by reference to its impact
               upon the eternal destiny of the soul (Mat 8:22).  This is God’s and Love’s (1 John
               4:8) valid perspective (Mat 8:22, 10:28). The Godly end, given our unnecessary
               choice of sin initially (Rom 1:20), then necessitates the Godly means in this
               respect by the operation of God’s primary or, in the event of suffering, secondary
               will (Rom 8:28).

               Fear An Example Of The Law

               To fear God is part of the Law (Lev 25:17).
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