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8. Manifestation of the Holy Ghost gift of faith (1 Cor 12:9). The Holy Ghost will
by its sovereign will distribute faith for specifics to individual Christians (1 Cor
12:11, 1 John 5:14) but this is done to help and empower Christians (1 Cor 12:7)
not to hinder or deny them, the default position is that the Holy Ghost will give the
faith necessary to receive whatever is requested (John 15:16, 16:23, 1 John 5:14-
15). This release of faith in the Christian is sometimes as an expression called
being filled with the Holy Ghost (Acts 4:23, 24, 31) when in fact the Christian is
already filled with the Holy Ghost (Rom 8:9, 2 Cor 6:16, Col 2:9-10).
9. Obey the two great commandments (John 14:21).
10. Perform practical works to achieve the aim in question (Jam 2:17, 22).
11. Believe continuously which is constant prayer (1 Thes 5:17, 2 Thes 1:11).
Prayer is the precursor or action of faith (Jam 5:13, 15). Those under the Law must
pray constantly under the Law (Luke 18:1, Eph 6:18) which can only be
accomplished by faith. This constant prayer is achieved by the Holy Ghost within
us (Rom 8:27) and is a mystery (Rom 8:26).
12 Pray, when appropriate, once only (Mat 6:7). Ongoing prayer is constant faith
(1 Thes 5:17) not repetitions of the prayer. Repeating a prayer can be appropriate
(Mat 26:44) but can often just signify lack of faith or foolish pride (Mat 6:7).
12. Pray together (Mat 18:19-20). Remember that Christians are together, already
in agreement with the Holy Ghost and are of the one Body of Christ (1 Cor 12:12-
13, Eph 4:4-5).
13 Concentrate on love, which is central to the two great commandments (Mark
12:30-31) and the process of Charity which never fails (1 Cor 13:8, Phil 2:10-11),
and casts out the enemy of faith which is fear (1 John 4:18). Fear appropriates
what is feared in certain circumstances (Job 3:25, Ezek 11:8).
14 Be aware of the fact that a Christian can not sin or doubt in his own spirit (1
John 3:9).
15 Cast the care upon God, let it go, let God have the ownership of the problem or
request (1 Pet 5:7). Do not try to possess it of yourself, let God be responsible (1
Pet 5:7). This defeats the fear of disaster which comes from a sense of self-desire
and even this self, let alone its desires, is unsustainable without God (Rom 1:20, 1
Pet 5:7).