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that Man should accept Salvation and this is the Law until obeyed or disobeyed
               (Rom 1:20). The parabolical Adam had this commandment from the start and
               should have and could have obeyed God (Gen 1:29, 2:9, 16, Rom 1:20). This Law-
               in-spirit, when unheeded, becomes the Law-in-spirit-and-flesh and thereafter the
               Law-in-spirit-and-flesh-in-detail (Rom 2:9, 14-15, 4:15, 5:13) so all unsaved men
               are under the Law-in-spirit-and-flesh-in-detail in their spirit however much they
               are or are not consciously aware of this or practise it in the flesh or are circumcised
               (Rom 2:14-15, 3:19, 4:15, Jam 2:10). In this sense all unsaved men are Jews (Rom
               2:24-29, 3:1-6, 19-20, 4:9-17).

               Genetics and Life

               Human life begins with the flesh (i.e. breath, evolution and the body) in God’s eyes
               (Gen 2:7, Job 27:3, 1 Cor 15:44-46) specifically when the foetus first has blood
               (Gen 9:4, Lev 17:11).  Human life begins with the flesh (1 Cor 15:45-46) and is
               not completed until the basic spirit is inside the person (Ezek 37:14), physical
               breathing signifies a ‘living’ flesh (Ezek 37:9) but this is not true life without the
               spirit (Gen 2:7, Job 27:3, Ezek 37:14).  The dry bones were not resurrected to a
               new and proper life but merely made biologically functioning bodies as a sign of
               their eventual resurrection which will involve the spirit (Ezek 37:12-14). A
               biologically functioning body precedes entry of the spirit (Zech 12:1, 1 Cor 15:46).
               The distinction between the origins of the individual, parabolical Adam and the
               generic Adam demonstrates the fact that the natural flesh process of evolution
               produced Man (1 Cor 15:44-51) as the generic entity called Adam (Gen 1:27, 5:1-
               2), though not the parabolical, individual Adam (Gen 2:7). God’s process of
               evolution is described as the Earth bringing forth living creatures (Gen 1:24) and
               the process by which God formed beasts out of the ground (Gen 2:19).  Although
               Adam, the parable, is formed out of the soil he is not formed by this process alone
               unlike those in Gen 1:24 and as such did not evolve (Gen 2:7).

               The foetus with the smallest unit of blood is as valuable in God’s eyes as that of its
               Mum and Dad (Gen 4:10, Gen 9:4, Lev 17:11). The offspring produced by a
               couple are the literal ‘one flesh’ as is the parental sexual union (Gen 2:22-25, Gen
               9:4, Heb 2:14).

               Extra-Terrestrial Life

               The Gospel is to be preached to the whole of Creation (Rom 1:20, Eph 1:10, Col
               1:20, 23). Man is an animal and is referred to as a generic entity in Genesis (Gen
               1:26-27, Eccl 3:18-21). Man is any creature on any planet that has achieved
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