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relate to the spiritual Flood and where this is the case the generic Noah is being
referred to (Gen 7:4 ‘substance’). The generic Noah is further shown as such by
the use of the word ‘us’ which relates to God as a term used in the 'early ',
parabolical, spiritual and generic events (Gen 1:26, 3:22, 5:29, 11:7).
The Word uses transference in its use of names as shown above and also between
David the King and Jesus the descendent (son of) David. Ezekiel 34:23-4 talks of
Jesus under the name of David thus establishing a linkage, so this use of names to
mean more than one individual at the same time is not unusual in the Word.
Remember it is written by an eternal being unbounded by space-time and able to
make connections between people and events that may strike us as bizarre but it is
only bizarre viewed from the perspective of our own familiar boundaries. The
same identity merging in a single name occurs in Ezekiel 37:24.
The Tower of Babel
The Lord in Gen 11:7 is identified as the same Lord as the ‘us’ Lord of Gen 1:26
and 3:22, establishing the event as parabolical in its details.
Faith is engendered in part by the fact of death which prompts a seeking after God
under the operation of the Prime Principle (Psalm 44:22). For Adam (Man) under
the unfulfilled Law to eat of the Tree of Life by ‘taking’ it (Gen 3:22) would be to
commit the unforgivable sin of rejecting Salvation (Heb 6:4-6) as the taker would
continue to reject Salvation having already rejected it (John 6:44), so the eternal
‘life’ experienced would be the mysterious death/life of eternal condemnation (Rev
14:11, 20:14). It must be eaten by being called by God (the Father) just as God
does in Genesis 1:29, so that the Word (Christ) does not forbid the Prime Principle
but rather enjoins this the coming together (John 6:44), so that by Christ, Christ is
received (John 6:48, 56). This is why the Word and this union is a mystery (Eph
5:30-32) and hard to understand (Heb 5:11-14). This also explains why the Word
guards the entrance to Paradise (Gen 3:24, Eph 6:17).
Adam, the individual and parable, became subject to the immediate start of the
process of ageing leading to death (Gen 2:17) by becoming subject to the Law-in-
spirit-and-flesh (Gen 2:17). Man (Adam) has always been under the Law-in-spirit,
another example of the duality principle, (Rom 2:12, 3:10, 4:15) as the
commandment to chose Salvation is the basic Law (the Law-in-spirit) which when
unheeded becomes the Law revealed progressively as the flesh sins (Gen 2:9, Rom
1:19-22, 2:12). Adam was vulnerable all along as he had not eaten of the Tree of
Life which needed to be eaten (Gen 2:9). Man is accountable to the Law that states