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of the Holy Ghost (1 Cor 12:7-10) or a direct work of God there is idolatry (Rom
Where there have been genuine replacements of amalgam teeth fillings by God's
power, and neither dentistry or suggestion is at work, or gold dust has been
genuinely showered on worshippers by God, then this is a sign that God is
highlighting the failure to receive appropriation (Job 33:25) and that He is about to
address this in the temples of the Living God that is in the bodies of the believers
(1 Kings 6:22, 1 Cor 3:10-13, 6:19). Appropriation would involve the replacement
of amalgam (or gold) fillings with healthy tooth enamel and tissue (Job 33:25).
This has now been reported amongst worshippers and is a sign of the appropriation
to come (Job 33:25). That God should use fillings as a sign of impending
appropriation is not surprising for three symbolic reasons.
The first is that amalgam is a chemical form of antinomy and literary antinomy is
basic to the understanding the Word (Rev 22:13). The second is that alchemy was
associated with the search for the Philosopher's Stone that would change base
metals and mercury into gold and confer immortal life. Only Jesus can do this and
he is in that sense the 'Philosopher's Stone' but is the rock and a living stone of
offence (Psalm 62:6, Mat 21:42, Rom 9:33, 1 Cor 10:4, 1 Pet 2:4) that can not
accessed by Philosophy (1 Cor 2:14, 3:18-20), only by faith (Heb 11:6). He is also
the 'elixir of life' (John 4:14). The third reason is that gold is a universal symbol of
incorruption and the manifestation of the sons of God will involve the miraculous
appropriation of youthful flesh and thereby indefinite life, though not immortal
life, up until the Second Coming of Christ (Job 33:23-25, John 6:48-51, 8:51, Rom
8:19-22). At that event the mortal flesh of any Christian still alive with a mortal
body, i.e. not in Heaven, is changed into the same immortal flesh of Christ's risen
body (1 Cor 15:50-54, Phil 3:21). The mortality of the flesh is however no bar to
the miraculous appropriation by faith of indefinite life in a youthful body up until
this event (Job 33:23-25, John 5:21, 6:57-63, 6:48-51, 8:51, Rom 8:19-22, 1 Cor
15:50-54, Phil 3:21). We indeed must be 'lively stones' as Christ is a 'living stone'
and 'precious' (1 Pet 2:4-5).
Christians & The Law
One comes to be a Christian by obeying that part of the Law that commands all
men to believe and confess Christ as Saviour (Deut 6:5, Mark 16:16, John 14:15,
23, Rom 10:9). By doing this the Christian then escapes from the Law (Rom
10:4). Some commandments of the Law contradict others (Ex 12:9-10 vs. Lev
3:17, 7:26, Ex 20:13 vs. Deut 20:16. Also Lev 11:2-47, Deut 14:8, 10 vs. Deut