P. 212
The Person of God and the Community of the Godhead
God is a union of three Persons (Gen 1:26, 11:7, Mat 28:19, John 15:26) or
Godhead (Rom 1:20) in One Person (Mat 28:19) or God (Gen 1:1, 3:11, Rom 1:18-
20). He is a, single, Person (Gen 1:1, 3:11) with a name (Mat 28:19) and is one
God (Ex 3:14). He is also, as a mystery, a community of three Persons (Gen 1:26,
3:32, 11:7), and yet one God (Ex 3:14), in the triune Godhead which is, as a
mystery, also one Person namely the Godhead (Mat 28:19, Acts 17:29-30, Rom
1:20, Col 1:9). Christ is also perfect flesh (John 1:14, 2 Cor 5:21, Phil 3:21, 1 Tim
2:5) as well as God (John 1:14) so God is, as a mystery, a Spirit (John 4:24) and
perfect flesh (Phil 3:21, 1 Tim 2:5). We are also yet part of that body (1 Cor
12:27). Of course this makes no sense by reference to Man's logic (1 Cor 2:13-14).
Christian Achievement
God is not limited by the limitations of his followers and needs nothing (Acts
17:25). Our own basic spirits, as Christians, are perfect (1 Cor 2:6, 1 John 3:9).
Tithing is a part of the Law (Lev 27:30-33). Failure to tithe appropriated a curse
under the Law (Mal 3:8-9) which is true also of all failures and sins under the Law
(Gal 3:10, Jam 2:10). As such it is not required of Christians (Rom 10:4). How
much a Christian should give or not give is a matter for the free will of the believer
as it is to be understood in the context of the two great commandments (2 Cor 9:6-
7). The reward of the, always righteous, Christian is determined by his or her
performance against the two great, non-law and grace based, commandments (2
Cor 9:6). The whole of the Law has promises or blessings attached if kept (Deut
30:19-20) and certain specific parts of the Law, like tithing (Mal 3:8-11) and
honouring ones parents (Ex 20:12), have specific promises attached. The effect of
these promises, as with the Law in general, still exists for non-Christians (Mat
5:18-19) as a subordinate default under the primary default of the Prime Principle
(Rom 8:28), but observances of the Law, in whole or in part, are NOT the way
forward for a Christian (Rom 8:4, 10:4).