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God's primary will that they should do so (Job 33:16-30, John 8:51, Rom 8:21) and
               non-Christians have achieved this in the past e.g. Enoch and Elijah (Gen 5:24, 2
               Kings 2:1, 11, Heb 11:5). A Christian 'dies' at time of salvation in any case (Rom
               6:3-4) and there is no need of further death prior to the Changing (Luke 20:36,
               John 8:51). It is also an outrage for the Christian to ‘age’ in the sense of  physical
               deterioration (Job 16:8, 33:16-30, Rom 8:21-23, 2 Pet 3:14). For a Christian to age
               and die is not, however, itself a sin as the Christian is not under the Law but this
               can be overcome (Job 33:23-25, Mat 22:40, Luke 21:18, John 14:16, Rom 8:23,
               10:4, 1 Cor 11:30, Heb 7:16-17).

               The individual's own flesh sins so this is not just an 'Original' sin hangover from
               Adam who was/is parabolical anyway along with 'Original' sin in that individual
               people are the origin of their own individual sin (Rom 7:18). When Christian
               ageing, as in bodily degradation not growth or development, occurs this is a sign of
               failure to obey the two great commandments perfectly but the sin of ageing is a sin
               under the Law only (Gen 2:17, 6:3).

               Of course being prepared to die and therefore dying is a good thing (Mat 16:25,
               Mark 8:35, Luke 9:24, 17:33) especially for others (John 15:13) as this is love but
               this is a good secondary will only possible given the superordinate evil fact that
               Man dies and ages by 'vanity' as he is disobedient (Gen 2:17, Job 33:16-30, Eccl
               1:2, Rom 8:20). To call this process 'Original Sin' obscures the point that
               Christians still have to co-operate with death and appropriate it by deliberate
               choice (Job 33:16-30) and would not if they kept the two great commandments
               better than they do (John 8:51). To age and die involves Man in the personal,
               individual and deliberate failure under the Law, of vanity (Job 33:22) which the
               Christian can overcome by better keeping the two great commandments through
               the process of Charity only fully revealed by the Third Hevean Revelation (John
               8:51-53, 1 Cor 13:1-2, 8-12, 2 Cor 12:4). Individual longevity and the exact
               process of ageing in a man is no guide as to his righteousness (Eccl 8:12).  Death
               and ageing represents individual sin by all concerned, under the Law, compounded
               upon the generic and individual sin position of subjugation to the Law, the
               forbidden fruit of Genesis 2:17.  A Christian is released from all sin which would
               include ‘Original’ sin (Rom 8:1-2).  The open manifestation of this is dependent
               upon the faith to receive it under the process of appropriation (Rom 8:19). 'Original
               sin' is a parabolical concept only (Rom 1:18-20). [See conception.]

               The spirit of man can leave the body for a short while when the body is near death
               (Judges 15:19, 1 Sam 30:12).  The blood, not the spirit, is the life of the flesh (Lev
               17:11, Deut 12:23).  The life of the soul is the spirit (John 6:63). The life of the
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