Page 1 - The King's List V19 LATEST 06-18-2024
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The King’s List

                   Aiming to be taken as Name, or “Is” or “Our” (so is to us), or My (is my), or
                   “The”.  In short the Identity and Nature of God toward us.

                   1.  A Strong Tower & A Strong Hold
                   2.  A very Present Help in Trouble
                   3.  Abba
                   4.  Advocate
                   5.  Almighty & Lord God Almighty & Lord Almighty & The God Almighty
                   6.  Alpha and Omega
                   7.  Amen (2 Cor 1:20)
                   8.  Ancient of Days
                   9.  Anointed
                   10. Angel (Gen 48:16, so can redeem angels, fallen or otherwise)
                   11. Apostle
                   12. Author and Finisher of Our Faith
                   13. Avenger
                   14. Beginning
                   15. Bethel, God of
                   16. Bishop
                   17. Blessed
                   18. Blood
                   19. Book of the Law
                   20. Book of Life
                   21. Branch & Branch of Righteousness
                   22. Bread of Life & Living Bread
                   23. Breath of Life
                   24. Bridegroom (to us that believe)
                   25. Brother
                   26. Buckler
                   27. Charity
                   28. Chief Corner Stone
                   29. Christ & Christ The Lord
                   30. Comforter
                   31. Confidence
                   32. Counsellor
                   33. Covenant
                   34. Creator
                   35. Defence
                   36. Deliverer
                   37. Door
                   38. Dreadful
                   39. Exceeding Great Reward
                   40. Emmanuel (God is with Us) & Immanuel
                   41. End
                   42. Eternal Life & Eternal
                   43. Everlasting King & Everlasting God
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